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2023 WFEA Spring Conference

  • March 27, 2023
  • March 29, 2023
  • Suncadia Lodge in Cle Elum


(depends on selected options)

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The Nine Step Process for

Developing a Successful Event

March 27-29, at

Fabulous Suncadia Lodge in Cle Elum

From making money to attracting more out of town visitors, this conference will cover all you need to know about staging an event in big and small cities

Monday, March 27

4:30 – 6:00 p.m.
Round Table Sessions – Get to know your fellow attendees in this informal setting

  • Event Operations and Logistics
  • Fundraising events
  • Marketing & communications
  • Sponsorship
  • Chambers and Municipalities

Tuesday, March 28

9:00 – 9:45 a.m.
1.    Marketing: The Many Ways of Getting People to Your Event
Big Market Events: John Thorburn, Bold Hat Productions; Jared Loranger, Fizz Events; Cari Dixon, Washington State Fair
Small to Mid-sized Market Events: Matthew Lundh, City of Cle Elum; Katie Estes, Kittitas County Chamber of Commerce ;Terry Morgan, Modern Enterprises

  • How to Write a Press Release
  • Social Media
  • Developing a marketing content calendar
  • Utilizing businesses to promote your event

10:00 – 10:45 a.m.
2.     Sponsorship 101
Big Market Events: Riley Stockton, Spokane Hoopfest, Kristi Ellefson, WaFd Bank, Anne Moneymaker, State Fair Park & Event Center – Home of the Central WA State Fair and Yakima Valley SunDome
Small to Mid-sized Market Events – Lori Lancaster, Benton/Franklin Fair, Meredith McIlmoyle, Anacortes Arts Festival; George Sharp, Thurston County Economic Development Council
·         People buy from People
·         Developing a list of potential sponsors
·         Sponsorship Benefits
·         Leveraging others to sell sponsorship
·         Creating a Sponsorship Packet
·         Taw

11:00 a.m. – 11:45 p.m.
3.     Finance/Budgeting
Big Market Events: Alby Allen, Ballard Seafoodfest, Jon Stone, Jon Stone Consulting
Small to Mid-sized Events: Chuck Denney, Tumwater Parks and Recreation Department, Darci Christopherson, Washington State Apple Blossom Festival
·         Importance of Budgeting
·         Non-Sponsorship Revenue, Grants and other revenue streams
·         Conservative budgeting vs. stretch goals
·          Developing a process
·         Who’s accountable

12:00 – 1:30 p.m.

Luncheon Keynote
The Washington State Arts Commission and How it Is Helping the Festival and Event Industry
From grants to other support, ArtsWa has been a huge help to the event industry. Hear how they will continue to do so and how you can benefit.
Karen Hanan, Washington State Arts Commission

1:45 – 2:30 p.m.
4.     Volunteers
Big Market Events: Kaloku Holt, Four Days of Aloha, Vancouver, Peggy Doering, Spokane Valleyfest
Small to Mid-Sized Events: Tawnia Linde, Clark County Event Center, Lissy Andros, Forks Twilight Festival, Chamber of Commerce
·         How to find volunteers
·         How to keep them
·         Volunteer training
·         Free online survey
·         Volunteer appreciation parties

2:45 – 3:30 p.m.
5.     The Importance of Events to Communities
Big Market Events: Deci Evans, Kind + Co., David Doxtater, The Workshop, Liz McLaughlin Tri-City Cancer Center
Small to Mid-Sized Events: Christy Smith, United Way, Marc Abshire, Port Angeles Chamber, Amy McGuffin, Kittitas Chamber
·         Celebrating diversity, equity and inclusion
·         Fundraisers to support your non-profit
·         Bringing together different communities
·         Encouraging attendees to shop local and stay local
·         Generating tourism

3:45 – 5:00 p.m.
6.      The Changing World of Event Security
Frank Sebastian, Emergency Management Group -Washington; Mark Williams, Tri-City Water Follies

• Developing a Security Plan

• What to look out for

• Maintaining a safe environment for attendees and staff

• A matter of life and death

5:15 – 6:45 p.m.
·        Reception and Trade Show

Wednesday, March 29

8:30 – 9:45 a.m.
7.     Alcohol at Your Event
Beth Lehmann, Washington State Liquor Control Board
·         Selling alcohol legally and safely at events
·         Types of licensing permits
·         Ways to obtain and sell alcohol
·         Relationships with the alcohol industry

10:00 – 10:45 a.m.
8.     Finding the Right Vendor
Big Market Events: Amy Maxwell, Ticket Tomato; Bonnie Lackey, Alexander Party Rentals
Small to Mid-Sized Events: Robin Kelley Friends of the Issaquah Salmon Hatchery, Carol Riley, Olympia Harbor Days
·         Things You Should Know Before Booking a Vendor
·         Book way in advance
·         How to find them
·         Google forms with Add-On to Square Payments

11:00 – 11:45 a.m.
9.     The New World of Booking Entertainment
Big Market Events: Steve Raider-Ginsburg, Field Hall, Port Angeles, Ryan Schroeder, Tacoma
Small to Mid-Sized Markets: Sam Calhoun, Arts Northwest, Scott Nagel, Dungeness Crab Festival, Emilie Baker, Olympic Music Festival

Post – Event Seminar

12:00 – 4:00 p.m.

*Good for Certified Live Event Planner Credit! Requires separate registration

Administration/Management and Operations
·         Managing the Future: Eric Corning, Seattle Seafair
How much will management change and what will the future hold? Have people, and the world, changed so much that everything you thought you know is out of date? While these questions could generate dozens of discussions, this session will offer ideas on how to navigate today.

·         Operations, Victoria Jones, North Olympic Discovery Marathon
Now that you’ve come up with the ideas that will set your event apart form the clutter of the myriad of entertainment choices in your community, it’s time to learn how to implement them. Learn how you can do that in an effective matter.

·         Hiring the Right Staff: Beth Pratt, Sequim Chamber of Commerce, Karen Powell, Birchhill Enterprises
Because most events are understaffed, it’s important to hire people who are passionate and efficient. Learn best hiring practices and how to manage and retain employees.

·         Managing Your Operation, Scott Nagel, Dungeness Crab Festival
Many events “wing it,” and find themselves in chaos. Learn how you can develop a plan that will enable you to keep all the balls in the air!


We offer 3 different membership rate levels. For students, individuals and organizations - each based on annual budget.

$150 / $195 / $275




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Port Angeles, WA 98362

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